Monday, January 28, 2008

Sick Bastards

I read an article this evening at MSNBC's online news link about 5 U.S. soldiers we lost today in Mosul. I found one segment of the article particularly despicable...
"U.S. military commanders say al-Qaida in Iraq, blamed for most serious bombings in Iraq, has regrouped in northern provinces after being squeezed out of the western province of Anbar and from around Baghdad during security crackdowns last year.

Military spokesman Rear Adm. Greg Smith said al-Qaida in Iraq has used two 15-year-old boys to carry out suicide bombings in the past week, one in Mosul and the other in Tikrit.

"'We're not sure if one of these children even knew he was being used to deliver a bomb,' Smith said.

"'These attacks were perpetrated at a funeral, a solemn religious ceremony, and at a school, a place that should be a safe haven for the young,' Smith told a news conference."
I say kill 'em all, the sick bastards... The entire article can be found at the following link:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Promiscuous (Defined)

Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin promiscuus, from pro (forth) + miscere (to mix)
Date: 1601

1.) composed of all sorts of persons or things
2.) not restricted to one class, sort, or person: indiscriminate
3.) not restricted to one sexual partner
4.) casual; irregular