Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pass the Double Stuf Oreos!

I have discovered that my internal means of dealing with feelings of insecurity are not internal at all. On the contrary, I seek out external satisfaction, most notably in the form of shopping. I bought diamond earrings yesterday - nothing fancy, just little studs. I also bought a designer handbag and matching wallet. I bought makeup today. Will I feel more beautiful? I feel semi-attractive after having my hair and nails done this morning. The hair, I surely cannot replicate tomorrow morning, fresh out of the shower. But it works for my ego today. The earrings? So small, no one will notice but me when I put them on each day. The handbag? Practical. (Right?) The makeup? Merely a facade to shade the sadness and insecurity that reigns beneath. Now someone pass the Double Stuf Oreos, please.

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