Friday, May 11, 2007

In the Stars...

My horoscope for May 11, 2007:
You may feel a bit of restriction working to hold you back from your current plans today. It could be that your mind is feeling restless and that you are anxious to go, yet there is a feeling of discipline and caution that is nagging you, urging you to slow down. This might not be a bad idea. Discipline and willpower may be exactly the things you need to get where you are going.

Despite the fact that this is vague and can just as easily be written for anyone on the planet, it's remarkably coincidental. I had very specific plans today. A meeting ran much longer than expected, thus interfering with the individual goals I had set for today. My mind has been feeling very restless and I have been very anxious to go, go, go (in fact, my nails are completely obliterated as a result, a total mess). I also feel the urge to slow down, breathe, sleep for more than just 3 or 4 hours each night. I know it's not a bad idea; it's just a difficult idea to solidify. Everyone needs discipline and willpower, but where the heck am I supposed to be going...?

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