Sunday, May 20, 2007

She Said What...?

I don't usually make an issue of stuff I see in the news. It's rarely newsworthy anyway. I saw something last night though that made me scowl. On "The View" the other day, Rosie O'Donnell equated our US troops in Iraq to terrorists.

I think Ms. O'Donnell should be thankful and show a little gratitude to the men and women serving over here. The men and women who ensure her right to speak such slanderous nonsense on television. The men and women who are working to ensure those same rights are available to the people of Iraq, a nation lacking those rights for several decades. The men and women who maintain duty, honor, pride, and patriotism - no matter what their personal opinions might be.

I think she should be kicked in the teeth by a set of boots that carried a fallen soldier across this despicable desert landscape. And maybe even kicked in the ass by the same pair of boots for good measure.

I'd suggest to Rosie that if she has nothing nice to say, she shouldn't say anything at all. But I've clearly violated that rule myself. (See above.)

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