Saturday, May 12, 2007


Merriam-Webster's definition of "stupid":

(1) (a) slow of mind; (b) given to unintelligent decisions or acts; acting in an unintelligent or careless manner; (c) lacking intelligence or reason;
(2) dulled in feeling or sensation;
(3) marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting;
(4) (a) lacking interest or point; (b) vexatious; exasperating;

(a) dull: suggests a slow or sluggish mind such as results with drink
(b) dense: implies a thickheaded imperviousness to ideas
(c) crass: suggests a grossness of mind precluding discrimination or delicacy
(d) dumb: applies to an exasperating obtuseness or lack of comprehension

I particularly like the definitions numbered (1)(b) and (1)(c) above. Unfortunately, I am forced to observe firsthand this type of behavior on a daily basis. And it is simply overwhelming. I feel trapped. I find myself trying to escape - even if only to the bunker to hide for 5 minutes and smoke a cigarette. My mind races. My heartbeat quickens. I'm sure my blood pressure increases dramatically, even if only temporarily. I try to apply logic wherever and whenever possible. I try to show policy, pattern, potentials down the line. It rarely works. And so I wonder to myself: (A) Why do I continue to tolerate this? Why not just move on to another project? Of course, I know I will eventually discover I am surrounded by stupidity there as well. It seems to be an infectious affliction. (B) Why do I let it get to me? I should be able to handle this - especially considering how long I've dealt with it in this God-forsaken armpit that is Iraq, suffocating with corrupt big government contractors.

I was reading news online earlier and noticed a link in the sidebar to "the stupid quiz", which I thought was aptly appropriate today. However, it's one of those ridiculous sign-up-for-junk-mail-and-give-us-all-your-personal-info-before-you-get-to-see-how-stupid-we-think-you-are things. I hate that. Yet another stupid thing today!

I think the best way to avoid a serious spike in blood pressure and a potential massive stroke (it runs in my family) is to leave the office early and spend some quality time with my self in my hooch. I need to finish packing anyway for tonight's trip back to A1 via Blackhawk with the C3/C5 Site Manager. If the stars are properly aligned and the Gods deem it will be so, we'll hop another chopper to C-3 with minimal layover. Otherwise, it's back to my own hooch and my own shower and my own feather pillows - and sleep. Worst case scenario says we don't get out tonight at all though. The weather is really strange today. Part sandstorm, part rain, part cloudy, part sunny... High winds and low visibility equals no flights. Fingers crossed it clears.

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